【 Never Once/從不曾】
Standing on this mountaintop 站立在山頂之上
Looking just how far we've come 回頭看長遠路途
Knowing that for every step 知道腳下每一步
You were with us 是祢帶領
Kneeling on this battle ground 跪立在生命戰場
Seeing just how much You've done 見證祢錦旗飛揚
Knowing every victory 知道每一次得勝
Is Your power in us 是祢力量
Scars and struggles on the way 荊棘路途或掙扎
But with joy our hearts can say 但神祢賜下喜樂
Yes, our hearts can say 活水的泉源
Never once 從不曾
did we ever walk alone 從不曾孤獨行走
Never once 從不曾
did You leave us on our own 祢從不曾撇下我
You are faithful 祢是信實
God, You are faithful 主,祢是信實
Kneeling on this battle ground 跪立在生命戰場
Seeing just how much You've done 見證祢錦旗飛揚
Knowing every victory 知道每一次得勝
Is Your power in us 是祢力量
Scars and struggles on the way 荊棘路途或掙扎
But with joy our hearts can say 但神祢賜下喜樂
Yes, our hearts can say 活水的泉源
Never once 從不曾
did we ever walk alone 從不曾孤獨行走
Never once 從不曾
did You leave us on our own 祢從不曾撇下我
You are faithful 祢是信實
God, You are faithful 主,祢是信實
You are faithful 祢是信實
God, You are faithful 主,祢是信實
Scars and struggles on the way 荊棘路途或掙扎
But with joy our hearts can say 但神祢賜下喜樂
Never once did we ever walk alone 從不曾孤獨一人的行走
Carried by Your constant grace 永恆恩典帶領我
Held within Your perfect peace 平安在翅膀蔭下
Never once, no, we never walk alone 從不曾,因為祢與我同行
Never once 從不曾
did we ever walk alone 我不曾孤獨行走
Never once 從不曾
did You leave us on our own 祢從不曾撇下我
You are faithful 祢是信實
God, You are faithful 主,祢是信實
Every step 每一步
we are breathing in Your grace 沐浴在祢的恩典
Evermore 到永遠
we'll be breathing out Your praise 肺腑呼吸來讚美
You are faithful 祢是信實
God, You are faithful 主,祢是信實